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Project Lead The Way - Engineering

PLTW - Engineering Program Video

  • 9th grade - .5 Practical Art credit
    This course will be an introduction to career and technical education programs. Students will be exposed to computer science, health science, machining and manufacturing, agriculture, engineering, carpentry, criminal justice, and family and consumer sciences. This broad introduction class will help students find a program that perhaps they may choose as a career choice after high school.

  • 9th-12th grade - 1 Practical Art credit, Full year
    This course will be an introduction to career and technical education programs. Students will be exposed to computer science, health science, machining and manufacturing, agriculture, engineering, carpentry, criminal justice, and family and consumer sciences. This broad introduction class will help students find a program that perhaps they may choose as a career choice after high school.

  • 9th Grade (10th and 11th Grade with instructor’s permission) – 1 Practical Art credit

    Prerequisite: Interest in engineering field, Concurrent enrollment in Algebra I, or Algebra I with a "C" or higher

    Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is a Project Lead the Way course that teaches problem-solving skills using a design development process. Models of product solutions are created, analyzed, and communicated using solid modeling computer design software (college credit opportunity).


  • 10th, 11th, 12th Grade – 1 Practical Arts credit

    Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering Design with a “C” or higher Algebra 1 with a “C” or higher.

    Principles of Engineering is an introductory course in applied physics and engineering technology processes with emphasis on mathematical problem solving. Students develop a solid background in math skills and concepts as they move to each successive Project Lead the Way (PLTW) level. The PLTW engineering pathway utilizes the latest computer software and equipment the industry uses. Projects/Concepts are based on learning units with hands-on and activity-oriented team efforts. Certification tests are required in each PLTW course, with certification accepted in articulation agreements with designated colleges for specified course credits.



    11th Grade 12th Grade – 1 Practical Art credit

    Prerequisite: Algebra I with a "C" or higher, Introduction to Engineering Design with a "C" or higher, Principles of Engineering with a "C" or higher

    Civil Engineering & Architecture is a Project Lead the Way course which provides an overview of the Civil Engineering and Architectural fields, while emphasizing the interrelationship and dependence of both fields on each other. Students will use the architectural software, Revit, to solve real world problems and communicate solutions to hands-on projects and activities. Certification tests are required in each PLTW course, with certification accepted in articulation agreements with designated colleges for specified course credits.


  • 12th Grade – 1 Practical Art credit

    Prerequisite: Completion of IED, POE, and the completion of or enrolled in CEA. Instructor's permission only (Cost of course project is the student's responsibility)

    This course allows teams of students to research, design, and construct a project to an open-ended engineering problem. Journals, centered on the engineering problem, are maintained and include notes, sketches, mathematical calculations for plans and problem solutions, computer software modeling, and scientific research. Teams present and defend their projects to a panel of engineers, business leaders and other professionals for review and feedback.